May 1933 – 6,000 political prisoners are sent to one of Stalin’s gulags, the small isolated Nazino Island in western Siberia. These unfortunate souls were left with nothing but flour to exist on, any who tried to escape were shot by guards surrounding the small land structure. Within only weeks, 4,000 of the prisoners died […]
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May 1933 – 6,000 political prisoners are sent to one of Stalin’s gulags, the small isolated Nazino Island in western Siberia. These unfortunate souls were left with nothing but flour to exist on, any who tried to escape were shot by guards surrounding the small land structure.
Within only weeks, 4,000 of the prisoners died or were no longer accounted for. The situation grew worse by the day, outbreaks of violence, and cannibalism were common.
One survivor recalls lives with the scars to show for the time spent on “Cannibal Island”. She walks around without calves, they were cut off and eaten by those left with no choice, but to eat human flesh to survive one of Stalin’s worst gulags.